Sunday, September 26, 2010


I want this little girl to be out of the TERRIBLE TWOS. OH MY!!!!

Some of her naughtiness???

* Dumping not one but two bottles of glitter in my kitchen and then she tried to pick it up (bless her heart)by putting it into baggies. So not only is my floor have glitter all over but so does all my kitchen cabinets. And that stuff is not easy to clean up. So my house is pretty much glittery everywhere.
* She has to do everything herself. She will not let anyone get her dress so most of the time she is dress and something is either on backwards or inside out or both. Not to mention she changes her clothes like four times a day.
* Her new favorite thing is to stick out her tongue.
* She often tells me " Mom you Mean"
* She constantly pesters Izaak. Or maybe the other way around. Regardless one or the other is always crying.
* Potty Training well we wont even go there.
* Bedtime is a nightmare. she will not stay in bed.

You may ask how can you get made at such a cute little thing. Well looks are sometimes deceiving.... But I wouldnt trade it for anything. She is also so sweet and loving. She always is the first to "clean up" when I ask. And she is always sure to tell you that she "lubs you."

I love you Ainz!!!!

Side note I vent to my mom and all she says is "Sorry Honey she is just like you when you were that age." GOT TO LOVE MOMS!!!

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